Monday, October 5, 2009

Atom 1.0

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


RewriteEngine on

#Send output from web server in GZip format to fast transfer over the internet

SetOutputFilter DEFLATE

RewriteRule ^index.html$ /csn/index.php [L]
RewriteRule ^home.html$ /csn/index.php?file=home [L]
RewriteRule ^change-password.html$ /csn/index.php?file=change_password [L]
RewriteRule ^products.html$ /csn/index.php?file=products [L]
RewriteRule ^forgot-password.html$ /csn/index.php?file=forgot_password [L]
RewriteRule ^login.html$ /csn/index.php?file=login [L]
RewriteRule ^logout.html$ /csn/index.php?file=logout [L]
RewriteRule ^signup.html$ /csn/index.php?file=signup [L]
RewriteRule ^pdetail-([0-9]+).html$ /csn/index.php?file=product_detail&pid=$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^products/p([0-9]+).html$ /csn/index.php?file=products&SPTPage=$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^confirm-request.html$ /csn/index.php?file=confirm_request [L]
RewriteRule ^contact-confirm.html$ /csn/index.php?file=sent_confirm_request [L]

#---------------------------CONTENT PAGE RULE--------------------------------#
RewriteRule ^terms__conditions.html$ /csn/index.php?file=content&page=terms__conditions [L]
#---------------------------CONTENT PAGE RULE--------------------------------#

#---------------------------CONTENT PAGE RULE--------------------------------#
RewriteRule ^privacy_policy.html$ /csn/index.php?file=content&page=privacy_policy [L]
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#---------------------------CONTENT PAGE RULE--------------------------------#
RewriteRule ^faq.html$ /csn/index.php?file=content&page=faq [L]
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#---------------------------CONTENT PAGE RULE--------------------------------#
RewriteRule ^contact_us.html$ /csn/index.php?file=content&page=contact_us [L]
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#---------------------------CONTENT PAGE RULE--------------------------------#
RewriteRule ^testing_page.html$ /csn/index.php?file=content&page=testing_page [L]
#---------------------------CONTENT PAGE RULE--------------------------------#

Monday, April 13, 2009

Cron Job script

Use the command 'man man' to see why the '-s 5' needed to be used to view the second crontab man page.
Using Cron
To use cron, it is easiest to start with a blank slate. The crontab command will do that for me, but by default I will need to know how to edit and save files with vi. If I am not comfortable with vi, and do not want to learn to use it, I can use another editor. To use nano (after making sure it is installed with 'which nano'), I could execute this command:
  $ export EDITOR=nano
before using the crontab command:
  $ crontab -e
which will start the editor (or vi) and load the current cron table file for this user, or a blank file if none exists.
If I don't want to set a MAILTO email address (after reading about it in the documentation above), the first line I want in my crontab is a comment. More specifically, this comment:
  #mh hd dm my dw command
(every line starting with a pound symbol (#) is a comment) because it reminds me that the space separated fields are:
  • minute of the hour
  • hour of the day
  • day of the month
  • month of the year
  • day of the week
  • command line
The command can contain spaces (and need not be quoted), but the other fields must not contain spaces.
Since I like the output and format of the top command, I'll research it a bit (using the 'man top' and 'top --help' commands) and put together a command line I can use in a cron job:
  /usr/bin/top -n 1 -b -S
Notice that I used the whole path to the top executable. Since cron jobs may not provide the same working environment (path, aliases, ...) I get at the command prompt, it is wise to use full paths to all commands and scripts I use. I test the command a couple times to make sure I get the output I thought I was going to get. The output of this command (by default) will be sent to my user via email whenever this cron job executes.
Crontab Examples
To use this command on cron job line using 'crontab -e', I need to fill in all of the fields:
  0 12 * * * /usr/bin/top -n 1 -b -S
This command will execute every day at noon. The first five fields can be values, lists, ranges, or ranges with step values.
The first and second fields in the example are values. They are just simple integers that exist in the range of the field. The '0' in the first field could be any integer between '0' and '59' (minutes of the hour). The '12' in the second field could be any integer between '0' and '23' (hours of the day).
A list is more than one value separated by commas (with no spaces). An example using lists would be:
  0 0,6,12,18 * * * /usr/bin/top -n 1 -b -S
which adds midnight (0), 6 am (6), and 6 pm (18) to the times this job will execute, in addition to the original time of noon (12).
A range is just a lower number (in the range of possible values) and a higher number (also in the range of possible values) separated by a dash ('-'). A cron job using a range might be:
  0 0,6,12,18 * * 1-5 /usr/bin/top -n 1 -b -S
making the 'top' cron job execute four times a day, but only on weekdays (Monday through Friday). A list may also include a range in place of one (or more) of its values, like this:
  0 0,6,9-15,18 * * 1-5 /usr/bin/top -n 1 -b -S
which would allow this cron job to execute every hour from 9 am (9) until 3 pm (15), instead of just at noon (12).
The asterisk (*) fields in the example above are ranges, consisting of every value in the range from the first possible value through the last possible value, which are different for each field. In the original example, the third fields asterisk means '1-31' (days of the month), the fourth fields asterisk means '1-12' (months of the year), and the fifth fields asterisk means '0-7' (days of the week, Sunday being both values zero (0) and seven(7)).
Ranges with step values express lists like this:
  0 0,6,12,18 * * * /usr/bin/top -n 1 -b -S
in this abbreiviated way:
  0 */6 * * * /usr/bin/top -n 1 -b -S
meaning all possible values ('*' or '0-23') that are evenly divisible by 6 (0, 6, 12, and 18). This way of expressing lists makes it much easier to run a cron job every 5 minutes:
  */5 * * * * /usr/bin/top -n 1 -b -S
or every other day:
  0 12 */2 * * /usr/bin/top -n 1 -b -S
in a way that is short, easy to read, and interpret.
Cron Job Output
Sometimes I never want to receive the output of a command I put in my crontab. There are a couple of way to do this. The "all or nothing" way is to set MAILTO="" on the first line of my crontab, but then I will get no output (that I don't arrange to get somehow via the command) for any of my cron jobs. I typically do not do this.
I regularly use output redirection to funnel my command output to a file (if I want a more permanent record of the cron job than an email), or to the 'electronic wastebin' (or 'bitbucket') which is /dev/null (if I want no record of the cron job). If I want to ping a list of hosts every 10 minutes, I can write a script called '' that provides nicely formatted output from the 'ping' command. The script could automatically put it's output to a file, but if I want to use '' from the command line too, that might be a problem. Instead, I could do this:
  */10 * * * * /home/myuser/bin/ > /home/myuser/pinghosts.log
and every ten minutes the output of '' will replace the contents of the file 'pinghosts.log' ('>' causes the output of the '' command to overwrite the contents of the 'pinghosts.log' file) in my home directory (if 'myuser' is my username). If I want 'pinghosts.log' to be more like a regular log file, tracking output over time, I need to use a different redirection symbol:
  */10 * * * * /home/myuser/bin/ >> /home/myuser/pinghosts.log
('>>' cause the output of the '' command to be appended to the 'pinghosts.log' file). If I plan to keep '' output over time, I should make sure it doesn't produce more output that I have disk (or quota) space. I could just throw away the file when it gets to large, or maybe just every month or so (hmm...sounds like a job for cron).
If '' produces any error messages, 'pinghosts.log' will not contain them. Instead, an email message containing the error messages will be sent to my user. If that is what I want, I am set, but many times I want error messages to be recorded in my logs of output, so the above examples will not do. To put all output into the file I need to do this [1]:
  */10 * * * * /home/myuser/bin/ >> /home/myuser/pinghosts.log 2>&1
This works for shells like 'bash' (sh, ksh, zsh) and redirects STDERR (error output) to STDOUT (normal output), just after STDOUT has been redirected to the file 'pinghosts.log'.
Sometimes I just want a cron job script to do what I want and never tell me about it. If I have a script that notifies me by email of "garbage day" every week, I don't want another email telling me it sent the first email successfully. To make this happen, instead of a log file I use /dev/null as the target of my output:
  0 19 * * 2 /home/myuser/bin/ > /dev/null 2>&1
but this will never alert me if the email is unsuccessful, so I may opt for this version:
  0 19 * * 2 /home/myuser/bin/ > /dev/null
instead. This way, at 7 pm on Tuesday evenings I will get an email cheerfully reminding me of "garbage day", or an uglier error message that does the same (if email is working).

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Create Virtual Host in the httpd.conf file

DocumentRoot "C:\xampp\htdocs\sf_sandbox\web"
DirectoryIndex index.php

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Allow from All

Adding Host

Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Site for the AJAX

Browser cookie restriction research

Nicholas C. Zakas was doing some prep work for his new book when he delved into browser cookie restrictions for the big four browsers:

The most interesting fact I discovered is that Safari places no limit
on the number of cookies that can be set per domain. In fact, you can
set enough cookies on the client to cause a server error as the cookie
header can be too long to parse.

He also found out that:

  • Microsoft indicated that Internet Explorer 8 increased the cookie limit per domain to 50 cookies but I've found that IE7 also allows 50 cookies per domain. Granted, this may have been increased with a system patch rather than having the browser's first version ship like this, but it's still more than the 20 that was commonly understood to be the limit.
  • Firefox has a per-domain cookie limit of 50 cookies.
  • Opera has a per-domain cookie limit of 30 cookies.
  • Safari/WebKit is the most interesting of all as it appears to have no perceivable limit through Safari 3.1. I tested setting up to 10,000 cookies and all of them were set and sent along in the Cookie header. The problem is that the header size exceeded the limit that the server could process, so an error occurred.

So the prevailing knowledge that browsers limit per-domain cookies to 20 is no longer valid. Another interesting inconsistency is how browsers react when too many cookies are set. With the exception of Safari, which sets all cookies regardless of the number, there are two approaches:

  1. The least recently used (LRU) approach automatically kicks out the oldest cookie when the cookie limit has been reached in order to allow the newest cookie some space. Internet Explorer and Opera use this approach.
  2. Firefox does something strange: it seems to randomly decide which cookies to keep although the last cookie set is always kept. There doesn't seem to be any scheme it's following at all. The takeaway? Don't go above the cookie limit in Firefox.

The total size of cookies also varies from browser to browser. This is another one that is a little hard to comprehend, but here's what my tests show:

  • Firefox and Safari allow cookies with up to 4097 characters, that's 4096 for the name and value and one for the equals sign.
  • Opera allows cookies with up to 4096 characters, which is for the name, value, and equals sign.
  • Internet Explorer allows cookies with up to 4095 characters, which is for the name, value and, equals sign.